Friday, June 10, 2011

Shop 'til I drop?

So I hate to admit it but my problem with online shopping has only gotten worse. Good heavens, I don't think I have ever had this problem. The other thing is..I think I got my best friend, Ryann Newby, addicted as well. For the past couple nights we have sat on our butts in the same position until late into the night (more like until early in the morning) and shopped online. Our enemy: Never before has a store stolen so much of my money!

Okay, on the plus side? Our new clothes are super cute and gosh who are we kidding. It is possibly one of the best mood-lifters. Having a bad day? Go buy something cute and feel good wearing it.

Now, on the real..I have created a budget for myself: NO SPENDING MONEY. My goal this month is to not spend money on things I do not absolutely need. Gosh, might as well just ban from my computer. This is just the start of a long rest of the it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Who are you to tell me that I'm addicted? Lying is a sin, just as well as a bad addiction is. Get off my back, GIRLFRIEND.
