Friday, June 17, 2011


Do you know what I love? Chopsticks. I went to Benja's a couple weeks ago and discovered I was actually pretty good at eating with them. My roommate's fiance recently surprised me with some chopsticks and I have been eating with them. I'm proud to say I am close to mastering the use of chopsticks. That's all. :)
P.S. I forgot to say I tried sushi for the first time in my life. If you know me well enough, you'd know that is what I call a major accomplishment. One of those things I used to swear I'd never try in my life. And I actually liked it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sail Away.

 This was kind of my motivation for the night. Time doesn't heal; it's what we DO with our time.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Shop 'til I drop?

So I hate to admit it but my problem with online shopping has only gotten worse. Good heavens, I don't think I have ever had this problem. The other thing is..I think I got my best friend, Ryann Newby, addicted as well. For the past couple nights we have sat on our butts in the same position until late into the night (more like until early in the morning) and shopped online. Our enemy: Never before has a store stolen so much of my money!

Okay, on the plus side? Our new clothes are super cute and gosh who are we kidding. It is possibly one of the best mood-lifters. Having a bad day? Go buy something cute and feel good wearing it.

Now, on the real..I have created a budget for myself: NO SPENDING MONEY. My goal this month is to not spend money on things I do not absolutely need. Gosh, might as well just ban from my computer. This is just the start of a long rest of the it goes!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Leave YOUR Mark.

Never before have I been inspired to drop everything and serve others. Unfortunately, the majority of people today are more worried about their well-being than others. This is not unusual! Because in reality, we want the best for ourselves and we want to feel successful.

This changed for me today. I learned a lesson about service. I was curious as to what the world would say about service. So, I looked it up:

SERVICE- Work done by one person or group that benefits another or an act of help or assistance.

While that definition is true and defines what service is, I then decided to look up the definition given from the church:

SERVICE- Part of the Lord's plan for nurturing our spiritual progress toward eternal life. The heart of eternal life and our personal destinies. What we choose to do and become. Involves us in a process of growth.

Not only does it benefit others, but it benefits ourselves. Now, I am not saying we need to go out and do something drastic. Sometimes the little things mean the most. My mom's good friend narrowed it down. She said service starts in the family, then the ward/neighborhood, community, and finally the world or international service. Maybe making dinner to give my mom a break once in a while wouldn't hurt after all ;) anyway, I watched a video today on service that people give around the world. I felt strongly inspired that that was something I needed to do. I tried to go to Haiti once, and it didn't work out. I kind of ignored my impression out of fear and nervous-ness. I have gotten this same impression again. I am proud to say that I might be serving in the Ecuador community in an orphanage! For some reason, this feels like it could be the start of my journey. Through learning about service and how beneficial it is not only to others but to me personally, I feel like countless service opportunities will present themselves to me through my faith and willingness to serve. I am grateful for missionaries who serve the Lord for two years straight. Their service is a HUGE example to me. I sincerely hope people will walk out the door and forget themselves for the day. It not only has helped me gain a stronger testimony, but it will help it to continue to grow daily. Hopefully I will be able to earn my way to Ecuador as soon as possible! I could use the prayers of ya'll. :)

"For the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do...therefore, what manner of men ought ye to be? Verily I say unto you, even as I am."

Ashley Shay.